School Policy Guide
The School Policy Guide is a supplement to the District Policy Guide, and is customized by each school. It may include important phone numbers, transportation information, and after-school childcare options.
- Child Care / After-School Information
- Emergency Situations
- Family and Community Engagement
- Family Room
- Hawthorne Cell Phone Policy
- Hawthorne Food Pantry
- Health Office
- Picking up your child during the school day
- Safety and Security
- School Hours
- School Support Services
- Student Personal Property
- Arrival and Dismissal Information
- Washer/Dryer Room
Child Care / After-School Information
Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR) provides engaging after-school opportunities for Hawthorne Elementary School students. The MSCR After School at Hawthorne provides quality child care daily after school and is open to all interested families on a first-come, first-served basis. The Dolphins Scholars program provides academic and enrichment programming for students needing a boost in math and/or literacy (enrollment by invitation only). Additionally, MSCR is able to provide a number of family nights throughout the school year.
MSCR Director: Samantha Brown
Office: 608.204.2507
Program Hours: M 1:15 pm-5:30 pm, T-F 2:47-5:30 pm
SALVATION ARMY - 250-2232 (1-5pm)
Address: 3030 Darbo Dr., Madison WI 53714
Regular Hours: M 1:30pm-5:30pm, T-F 2:30-5:30pm
Fees: Afterschool $15 per child per year
Transportation: Provided from Hawthorne
Address: 149 Waubesa St, Madison WI 53704
Regular Hours: M-Th: 6am-9pm | Fri 6am-8pm | Sat & Sun: 8:30am-6pm
Fees: Call center for information on fees.
Contact: Angela Tortorice, Elementary Programs Manager
Phone: 241.1574 x 8035
Pick up and drop off to: Northside (Lakewood Gardens. Sherman Terrace, Brentwood) & Darbo Worthington neighborhoods, Priority to Lowell & Emerson students and families, but all are welcome based on availability.
PLAY HAVEN - 249-8722
Address: 4111 East Towne Blvd 53704
Regular hours: 6am-6 pm
Fees: Please contact the Center for information. Transportation provided mainly to/from Sandburg, Hawthorne and Emerson schools.
East Madison Community Center (EMCC) - John Harmelink 249-0861
Address: 8 Straubel Ct Madison, WI 53704
Regular Hours 9am-8pm M-F. 11am-5pm Sat, closed Sundays
Summer Hours: 9:30-4:30pm
Pre-Teen camp 7-10 yrs old:
1st session: from 6/22-7/17 from 9:30am-4:30pm 2nd session: from 7/20-8/14
No transportation provided; open to all families/students. No programming from 7am-8am. No cost to families.
Sunny Ridge Kids - 244-7222
Address: 3245 E. Washington Ave., Madison WI 53704
Regular Hours: 6am-5:30pm
Fees: Call center for fee information
Transportation: Provided from Hawthorne
Emergency Situations
In the 2019-20 school year, we incorporated the Standard Response Protocol into our emergency procedures in line with guidance from the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Office of School Safety and national recommendations on school safety. It incorporates many of the concepts we already use but offers more clarity and consistency in terminology among schools and first responders across the country. Each school year, students will receive age-appropriate instruction on what to do in each of these scenarios through lesson plans, slide presentations, class discussions, videos, and more.
Family and Community Engagement
The Hawthorne Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides a forum for parents and teachers to work together to improve the school community by sponsoring programs and activities that enhance learning and promote family involvement in student achievement. The PTA is a local affiliate of the National PTA and as such embraces the mission of the National PTA. The mission of the National PTA is:
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in our school, in the community, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;
To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; and
To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
So how does PTA support this mission?
Hawthorne PTA sponsors a variety of programs and fundraisers throughout the school year that encourage family support for the school. PTA meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are in the Hawthorne Elementary library and begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is provided.
Who is eligible to be a member of the Hawthorne PTA?
All family, teachers, staff, community members, and local businesses interested in supporting Hawthorne Elementary School are eligible for membership.
So why should you join PTA?
The PTA is a great way to connect with the school, network with families and teachers, and support the educational mission of the school. Please come and share your time and talents by volunteering with the PTA.
Family Room
Room 112, across from the Main Office is available for use by members of the Hawthorne Community. The room is open 7:30 am – 5:00 p.m. Please just sign in at the office first. There are computers available for your use. They have internet access, Microsoft office and a printer. Family Room can be used for answering emails, writing letters, working on a resume, applying for jobs, finding information on community resources, and finding parenting resources. Plus there are books, magazines, puzzles, and games for learning and playing with your children.
Our Community School Resource Coordinator, Antonio Cruz-Rodriguez, and our Family Liaison, Rosario Vela, both have offices in our Family Room.
Hawthorne Cell Phone Policy
To help us promote a safe, respectful, and engaging learning environment, we ask that your child leaves all items unrelated to learning at home (e.g., toys, electronics). We understand that families rely on cell phones for daily communication. This policy is meant to support student learning by limiting distractions from cell phones and encouraging face-to-face connections with peers and adults. Therefore, cell phones can only be used before and after school and must remain off and away during school hours. Cell phones should be kept in student lockers and powered off or given to their teacher. If stored by a teacher, it is the student’s responsibility to retrieve the cell phone from the teacher at the end of the day. Students who bring a cell phone or other electronic device to school do so at their own risk to possible loss, damage, or liability. Hawthorne Elementary and Madison Metropolitan School District will not be responsible for the recovery of lost or stolen electronic devices.
Students who do not follow this policy will be warned and reminded of the policy the first time. The second time the policy is not followed we will collect the cell phone for students to pick up from the main office at the end of the day. For the third offense and beyond, a parent or guardian will be required to pick up the device from the main office. Thank you for supporting this policy and our students’ engagement in learning and connections with others.
Hawthorne Food Pantry
Health Office
Summer vacation is over and we are beginning a new school year. We are happy to be working with your child once again!
If your child has been diagnosed with any health problem, it would be helpful if you would let us know as soon as possible. Even if it is a known problem, we would still like to hear from you regarding your child’s progress over the summer and his/her present status and concerns.
We would especially like to hear from you if your child has asthma, allergies (especially food allergies), seizures, hearing or vision concerns, diabetes or other chronic illness; or if your child is taking medication for an illness or condition.
If your child should get a communicable disease (like strep, chickenpox, fifth disease) during the year, please let us know. Since head lice (pediculosis) has been common in most schools, it is a good idea for you to periodically check your child’s head for lice and eggs. If your child should get head lice, please let the health office staff know.
We encourage you to encourage your family to consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Please send snacks that are low in fats and sugar. Please do not send soda pop in your child’s lunch or peanut containing products for classroom snacks (some children have life-threatening peanut allergies). Remember to have your child drink milk and eat dairy products for strong bones and teeth.
At Hawthorne we would like to encourage our students and staff to make decisions that promote health and fitness. One way is to limit foods that are high in sugar and fat. The Hawthorne Wellness Committee would like you to consider choosing Healthy class Celebrations. We would like to celebrate how your child is unique, there are many ways to do this besides cake!!
Suggestions include:
Food: treats of fruit or vegetables, low fat popcorn, cheese or yogurt
Activities: Dance parties, craft activities, extra recess time, bring in their favorite book to be read to the class, being first in line, lunch outside, sharing a new school supply with the class
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, you may contact:
• Nurse Assistant, Michelle Benedict, Room 111B, at 204-2505
• School Nurse, Solvei Adams, Room 111A, at 204-2504.
You can also email them at or
The School Health Office hours are 7:30 am until 1:15 pm on Monday and 7:30 am to 2:47 pm on Tuesday through Friday.
Please remember to keep us informed of your current work and home phone numbers for your child’s emergency contacts in the event of any emergency or urgent care concern.
Picking up your child during the school day
When you are picking up a student for an appointment please allow enough time to follow the protocol below:
To ensure the safety of your child, please send a note in advance to your child’s teacher and the office. We require parents to come into our office and sign out the student. We will call the classroom to have the student sent down to the office to meet the parents. Please remember anyone picking up a student must be authorized and listed in Infinite Campus. Once school is in session, all non-school staff (including parents) will NOT be allowed to go to a classroom unaccompanied to pick up a child.
When you receive a call from the Health Office that your child is sick/hurt and you need to come to school to get them, please come to the office to sign out the child. The nurse will bring the student to the office.
Safety and Security
Families play a key role in school safety. We believe that it is beneficial for families and the community to engage in our students’ education. We also want to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our students to learn. If you plan to visit, please pre-arrange your visit with the classroom teacher. The teacher will communicate with the office about your visit. You’ll find more information on district safety and security, including how we communicate with you in an emergency, at Thank you for your partnership in creating a safe and positive school environment. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for any reason.
School Hours
School Support Services
A message from the Support Services Team: There are many support services offered to you and your child at Hawthorne School. Everyone is aware that stresses occur in our lives. Parenting can be a rewarding and stressful experience that involves many responsibilities, and we know and see our Hawthorne parents taking very seriously the responsibility to be involved with their child’s/children’s education. We look forward to working together to ensure a successful school experience for your child.
Our school has many support staff available to help coordinate the efforts of home and school to best meet the needs of your child. The following are brief descriptions of our roles, many of which overlap:
School Social Worker, Christine Hettinger, 608-204-2528
Participates in educational evaluations (IEP process).
Teaches safety in classrooms.
Works with parents, teachers, and community agencies to connect families with behavioral and mental health needs
Connects community resources to students and families
Member of Hawthorne SSIT – Student Support & Intervention Team
Counsels individual students or in small groups on a short-term basis
Homeless liaison
Foster Care liaison
Attendance Point-of-Contact, facilitates truancy meetings
School Psychologist
Mitchell Markham, 608-204-2508,
Consults and collaborates with parents and school staff about specific student learning, social-emotional, and/or behavior concerns
Conducts individual student educational evaluations, which may include such areas as intellectual functioning, achievement, social, behavioral and emotional concerns
Counsels individual students or in small groups on a short-term basis
Collaborates with families about community mental health resources
Provides social-emotional interventions to students
Member of Hawthorne SSIT – Student Support and Intervention Team
Member of Hawthorne MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Member of Hawthorne SBLT - School Based Leadership Team
Member of Hawthorne Core Leadership Team
Positive Behavior Support Coach
Michelle Labno, 204-2554
Works with students, teachers, and families around social, emotional, behavioral and academic needs.
Provides social, emotional and behavioral interventions for individual students, small groups and classrooms.
Provides mental health and behavior resources for families.
Conducts Functional Behavior Assessments for Students.
Facilitates school-wide acknowledgements and rewards for students.
School Lead for implementing BEP - Behavior Education Plan.
Member of MTSS - Mulit-Tier Systems of Support.
Member of Hawthorne SSIT - Student Support and Intervention Team.
Member of SBLT- School Based Leadership Team.
Member of Core Leadership Team.
Principal Designee, as assigned by the Principal.
It is our sincere hope that we can serve the needs of your child well by encouraging and facilitating a positive working relationship between home and school. Check out our Student Support Team Website for additional support and resources:
Student Personal Property
It is very important that students bring to school only those things they need for learning. To avoid classroom disruption, theft and/or loss, items such as electronic devices, personal music players, trading cards and toys should not be brought to school. All students’ property and any outdoor clothing should be labeled with their name. Please be sure to check the lost and found area often. The lost and found is located in the cafeteria. For smaller items such as jewelry, keys and glasses, please check with the office.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Arrival is from 7:20-7:35 each day. Please do not drop off students earlier than 7:20 as staff supervision does not begin until 7:20.
All students Kindergarten-5th grade are asked to arrive and dismiss through Door 2 (facing Lexington Ave). From 7:20-7:35 students may only be dropped off at Door 2, on Lexington Ave. Please do not bring students to Door 1 (off Concord Avenue) during this time.
After 7:35, students are considered late and should be dropped off at Door 1 (off of Concord Ave.), in order to sign in at the office.
4K students can be dropped off at the 4K Doors marked in the staff parking lot off of Concord Ave. Only families of 4K students should drop off and pick up here. Older siblings of 4K students will be directed to walk along the front of the school, past Door 1 and down the garden path to Door 2 for arrival. For dismissal, older siblings of 4K students will meet their 4K sibling at Door 7 for pick up.
Please help us keep Lexington Ave moving! Lexington should only be used for dropping off and picking up without parking. To park, please use Christianson, Jacobson, or Fairmont and walk your student across Lexington. On Lexington Ave, please drop off/pick up students on the side of the road closest to the school. If crossing is necessary, please only use the designated crossing areas.
Washer/Dryer Room
Note that many items in these guides are specific to teaching and learning within school buildings, and we know that adjustments will need to be made as we go. Please use this as a starting point and connect with your school if you have specific questions about how things will be handled in a virtual setting.